Lagrange Multipliers

This is also known as Lagrange Optimization or undetermined multipliers. Some of these notes are based on Appendix E of (Bishop 2006), others were found when studying bits of rational mechanics. Also (Boyd & Vandenberghe 2004) chapter 5 should be a good resource on this topic. Let’s consider a standard linear optimization problem $$ \begin{array} \\ \min f_{0}(x) \\ \text{subject to } f_{i}(x) \leq 0 \\ h_{j}(x) = 0 \end{array} $$ Lagrangian function And let’s consider the Lagrangian function associated to this problem defined as $$ \mathcal{L}(x, \lambda, \nu) = f_{0}(x) + \sum \lambda_{i}f_{i}(x) + \sum\nu_{j}h_{j}(x) $$ We want to say something about this function, because it is able to simplify the optimization problem a lot, but first we want to study this mathematically....

9 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang

Active Learning

Active Learning concerns methods to decide how to sample the most useful information in a specific domain; how can you select the best sample for an unknown model? Gathering data is very costly, we would like to create some principled manner to choose the best data point to humanly label in order to have the best model. In this setting, we are interested in the concept of usefulness of information. One of our main goals is to reduce uncertainty, thus, Entropy-based (mutual information) methods are often used....

13 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang