The course will be more about the the quantization, talking about lossless and lossy compression (how many bits will be needed to describe something? This is not a CS course so it will not be so much algorithmically focused course), then we will talk about channel and capacity and DMC things. Most of the things explained in the Lapidoth course will be theoretical there will be some heavy maths.

The professor starts with some mathy definitions (not very important, just that the $\mathbb{E}[ \cdot]$ needs a domain to be defined, so notations like $\mathbb{E}[x]$ do not make sense, while $\mathbb{E}[g(x)]$ do make sense because $g(x) : \mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R}$).

Then we start to define the Entropy so go there :)

Block diagram of a communications system

Introduction to Information Theory-20240918152424504 This is the classical diagram, we will see in this course most of the lossy and lossless quantization part and the channel capacity, so not much! But still some work!