Cross Validation and Model Selection

There is a big difference between the empirical score and the expected score; in the beginning, we had said something about this in Introduction to Advanced Machine Learning. We will develop more methods to better comprehend this fundamental principles. How can we estimate the expected risk of a particular estimator or algorithm? We can use the cross-validation method. This method is used to estimate the expected risk of a model, and it is a fundamental method in machine learning. ...

5 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang


Cascading Style Sheets Inizialmente HTML era per la presentazione, abbiamo ancora un pò di attributi storici e tag storici per questa parte di presentazione descritto in Markup. Introduzione È un linguaggio indipendente per la descrizione della grafica. La cosa bella è iil fatto di essere indipendente, quindi è adatto a HTML, a XML e simili. Una cosa particolare è il cascading quindi il fatto che dichiarazioni più nuove sovrascrivano o espandino dichiarazione vecchie. ...

9 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang

Data Cubes

Data Cubes is a data format especially useful for heavy reads. It has been popularized in business environments where the main use for data was to make reports (many reads). This also links with the OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) vs OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) concepts, where one is optimized for reads and the other for writes. The main driver behind data cubes was business intelligence. While traditional relational database systems are focused on the day-to-day business of a company and record keeping (with customers placing or- ders, inventories kept up to date, etc), business intelligence is focused on the production of high-level reports for supporting C-level executives in making informed decisions. ...

4 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang

Data Models and Validation

A data model is an abstract view over the data that hides the way it is stored physically. The same idea from (Codd 1970) This is why we should not modify data directly, but pass though some abstraction that maintain the properties of that specific data model. Data Models Tree view 🟩 We can view all JSON and XML data, as presented in Markup, as trees. This structure is usually quite evident, as it is inherent in their design. Converting from the tree structure to a memory model is known as serialization, while the reverse process is called parsing. ...

10 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang

Data Plane

Introduzione Data or Control plane come fanno i router a fare forwarding dei pacchetti? e decidere come mandare? Come fanno a passare. Sono le tabelle di instradamento. Si può dire di end-to-end perché solamente il sender e receiver andranno a livello applicazione, e leggeranno le cose (se criptato veramente solo loro riescono a fare questo). Funzioni principali Forwarding che in pratica è passare il pacchetto al successivo, è parte del data plane. ...

8 min · Xuanqiang 'Angelo' Huang