We now start with data modelling after having dealt with the syntax in HTML e Markup and data storage methods in Cloud Storage and Distributed file systems. In this case we want the data to be denormalized (see Normalizzazione dei database) but still looking like tables.

Usage of Wide Column Storages

Wide column stores were invented to provide more control over performance and in particular, in order to achieve high-throughput and low latency for objects ranging from a few bytes to about 10 MB, which are too big and numerous to be efficiently stored as so-called clobs (character large objects) or blobs (binary large objects) in a relational database system, but also too small and numerous to be efficiently accessed in a distributed file system. ~From Chapter 6 of Big Data book

The idea here is sharding, trying to spread RDBMS into multiple machines, so that one machine has some tables, others other, one example is the famous cassandra that Discord used to scale their system.

Design principles

Two main principles guide the design of wide column stores:

  • Wide sparse, joint, data tables, because the joins are the expensive operations
  • Batch processing: Store together what is accessed together.

These are the current problems, with wide column stores we should solve all of these problems. Wide Column Storage-20241015094859900

This project has originated at Google with Big Table (similarly to Big Query). HBase is an opensource equivalent of the Google projects.

With traditional relational database management systems, the joins are the expensive part of the operations. Wide Column Stores solve this problem by storing large sparse tables, as in the image: Wide Column Storage-20241015180733794


Logical Model

Row Ids and Keys 🟩

Row ids are just sequences of bits, but unlike RDBMS they are sortable, and is compound of different things, like row, column or version.

Specifically a key is composed of

  • Column Family
  • Row Id
  • Column qualifier (name)
  • Version (timestamp associated to a value).

Column Families 🟩

These could be the actual tables that would get stored if the table was normalized. These must be known in advance; it is possible to add a new family but it is an expensive operation. One can also add columns on the fly in the tables. Also columns have names (array of bytes, that are repeated a lot in the physical model, so they should be quite short!), not specific types as with RDBMS, those are called column qualifiers. We will see later in the physical level that both families and qualifiers are repeated in every key-value pair.

Operations 🟩

They have classical GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations. The difference with RDBMS is that they also support range queries on the ID or timestamp for the versions, called scans.

Physical Architecture

Regions and Stores 🟩

A region is just a continuous section of the rows. We define the stores which are intersections between a region and a column family. All the cells of a store are stored together. A single region is usually assigned to a RegionServer (see next section). When a region becomes too large, a RegionServer splits this region into two, and then could be rebalanced by the HMaster. The responsibility does not imply storage! This is a very important thing because the actual data is in HDFS. The responsibility is not replicated, because HDFS automatically replicates the underlying data.

On a probability point of view, all the files are going to come back to the RegionServer because RegionServers are usually going to delete and recreate files, and HDFS by default stores the first copy on the same machine it is creating it from. The nice thing is that if the hblock is in the same machine, the process can circumvent HDFS and directly read that HDFS block. This was possible because HDFS and Wide column storage has been developed by the same team. So they have nice compatibilities.

Network architecture 🟩

The network topology is the same as the one we have for Distributed file systems. We have a main node and some slave nodes. In this context they are called HMaster and RegionServers. We also have standby master nodes in this case.

The HMaster has a metatable of all the responsibilities of every RegionServer, heartbeat and reports system also here to keep track of this in a old version, before there were also race conditions, see Programmi Concorrenti. Now in order too keep the presence of everybody is something called a zoo-keeper.

Creating tables, deleting them, creating column families, all the Data Definition operations go through the HMaster.

HFiles and KeyValues

Stores are Memorized as HFiles, organized in HBlocks of fixed size of 64Kb (+ last key key value, so it could be a little larger), usually the key-values are read in the blocks. These files are just list of the cells, stored by coordinate (keys, often in CamelCase) and values (also different versions are stored along side each other)

A KeyValue in a HFiles is made of 4 parts:

  • Key-length
  • Value-length
  • Key
  • Value

This is a prefix code, see Algorithmic Probability for something more about prefix codes. .

Structure of Key and Values

One also has an index, idea similar from b-trees, so the lookup inside a HDFS block is easy.

This image from the book cleanly summarizes the structure of the Key: Wide Column Storage-20241015190027475

The red part of the key is of variable length. Grey boxes are of fixed length, also column family. The qualifier is variable, but you can recover that by knowing the length of the whole key.

In memory key-value store

We store the key values in order in memory using some sort of tree. The upside is that we don’t need to cancel and recreate the block in HDFS, because that only allows appending, the written data is not modifiable. When the RAM store is flush, then we flush the memory down to an HFile. When we flush we have a linear merge and we store the new file in this way.

We have three cases when the flush happens:

  • Write-ahead log is full
  • Memstore size if sull
  • max memstore for a single store

Write-Ahead log

This is a log to keep the changes done in the RAM, so that we don’t lose things after a crash. Appending is ok in HDFS, so it’s quite compatible with the underlying system. -> Every write is first written in this log file before being put in the RAM. This is similar to the EditLog in HDFS.

Log Structured Trees

These structures attempt to optimize for throughput, the B-Trees are optimized for latency. As every id is sorted by key, it’s easy to merge the HFiles together, we just need to use the Merge function, the same for MergeSort algorithm.


This is a process that merges many HFiles together when you have too many HFiles because of the flushes. The compaction process is still a linear process because the key values stores are linear. Merging two HFiles usually is makes the system faster for reads because we don’t need to search anymore for all all the mini files that the system creates after the memstore is full.

Optimization of HBase

Lookup tables

In order to know which RegionServer a client should communicate with to receive KeyValues corresponding to a specific region, there is a main, big lookup table that lists all regions of all tables together with the coor- dinates of the RegionServer in charge of this region as well as additional metadata

So, just lookup tables that are known by everybody.

Cache Usages

We should not use cache when we have random access or when we are doing batch processing, because the data the batches are processing are usually separate and independet with each other. You should refer to Memoria and Memoria virtuale to know how usually is cache made.

Key Ranges

Efficiently tells for sure that a Key range is not contained in a file.

So they are just some small optimizations, which at the end make HBase quite fast.

Bloom Filters

It is basically a black box that can tell with absolute certainty that a certain key does not belong to an HFile, while it only predicts with good probability (albeit not certain) that it does belong to it.

So that we can skip over files so that we can fasten the lookup time.

Data locality and Short Circuiting

We have specified in some paragraphs before that when HBase writes a HFile to a node, the first replica of the file is written on the same node. This allows for short circuiting which allows to directly read from the disk without asking the NameNode for the classical HDFS system.